Turning on The Lights

America is a big, big place.

We could fit 36 New Zealands or two and a half European Unions into the square acreage of our country. So, creating national momentum around anything in the U.S. is an enormous challenge, even when it is something virtually everyone agrees on.

That’s why this month’s issue focuses on infrastructure – because whether you live and work in California, Rhode Island, or anywhere in between, you want to illuminate your home with the flip of a switch, enjoy reliable service for your devices, drive on roads without dangerous potholes, walk into a store and know you will find what you need, and commute across distances as efficiently and safely as possible.

None of those everyday actions are possible without robust, safe, and reliable infrastructure. Transit, industry, business, education, healthcare,
travel… Every facet of American life intrinsically relies on our infrastructure.

Innovation is driving infrastructure improvements for transit, utilities, and more. We cannot possibly capture everything happening everywhere, but we have assembled a group of stories and resources to provide insight and inspiration around mass transit, utility infrastructure, and bridge safety & security, among others.

We hope you find it helpful, and consider the wonder that is the labyrinth of America’s infrastructure ingenuity when you flip your light switch on tonight.